ICTforAg Learning Network Promotions


ICTforAg Learning Network Promotions among different stakeholder's

ICTforAg Learning Network Promotion


to create awareness among different stakeholders about ICTforAg Learning Network platforms and different features. also to involve them in this platforms by engaging in collaborations, capturing their ICT based Innovation etc.

AgShop platform


AgShop is a marketplace dedicated to agricultural inputs marketing. Due to farmer’s low income, remoteness of villages and a poor national Agricultural advisory system, AgShop aims to facilitate access to quality inputs, in small quantities and adv



A state of the art point of Sale Application that provides a digital footprint for smallholder farmers and grassroot agribusinesses for their end to end transactions from input to output.

Krishi Updates Digial Agriculture Model


Krishi Updates digital platform provides an open access robust ICT infrasructure for Co-creation and sharing of knowledge and building skills of communities through blended learning.