User registration:

To register on the ICTforAg Learning Network, visit our website and create an account. Follow the steps given below:

  1. Visit
  2. Click on ‘Sign in’ button on the top right corner.
  3. Click on ‘Register here’ link below the Login button.
  4. Fill in the necessary details such as first name, last name, email ID, password and captcha.
  5. Now click on register.

In case you forget your password, follow the steps given below to reset your password:

  1. Visit
  2. Click on ‘Sign in’ link in the top right corner.
  3. Click on ‘Forgot password’.
  4. Enter your email id and captcha and click on ‘Submit’.

Go to your email and check the email from ICTforAg learning Network. If you don’t find an email from us, check in your spam or junk folder, and mark us as ‘Not spam’. If you do not receive a registration email from the ICTforAg Learning Network, you will still be able to log into the site.

Virtual Collaborative Space:

There are two kinds of collaborations in the Virtual Collaborative Space:

  1. Public collaboration: This collaboration is accessible to all platform users; anybody can join the collaboration as a collaborator.
  2. Private collaboration: This collaboration is accessible to the collaborators that the moderators invite or approve.

The public collaboration will have an unlocked symbol with a button ‘Join this collaboration’. Private collaboration will have a locked symbol with a button ‘Request to join’. Closed collaboration (Collaboration that isn’t functional yet) will have a button ‘This is a closed collaboration’.

To join a private collaboration, follow the steps given below:

  1. From the ICTforAg Learning Network homepage click on the ‘Explore Collaborations’ button in the Collaborative Space tile.
  2. Find the collaboration that interests you.
  3. Click ‘Request to join’ button.

You will be notified about your acceptance into the collaboration via email, once the moderator accepts your request.

You will be able to contribute/add anything to the collaboration once the moderator accepts your request to join the private collaboration.

Only moderators can add/edit work plan and event. As a collaborator/member of the collaboration, you can add and edit threads, posts, articles, polls, resources, and data.

As a moderator of the collaboration, you can assign and remove other moderators, edit the layout of the collaboration, pin a poll, add/edit work plan, add/edit event, and edit the map.

To assign a moderator, follow the steps given below:

  1. Click on the collaboration that you moderate.
  2. Click on the three dots beside ‘Collaboration members’.
  3. Click on ‘Assign moderator’.
  4. Now select the members that you want to make as moderators.
  5. Click ‘Update’ button.

To remove a moderator, follow the steps given below:

  1. Click on the collaboration that you’re a part of.
  2. Find a list of moderators on the right.
  3. Click on the moderator's name that you want to remove.
  4. Now click on ‘Remove moderator’.

To edit layout of the collaboration, follow the steps given below:

  1. Click on the collaboration that you’re a part of.
  2. Scroll down and find the ‘Edit layout’ button.
  3. Now you can change the sequence of your posts, article, polls etc.
  4. Click on ‘Save layout’.

To edit the map, follow the steps given below:

  1. Click on the collaboration that you moderate.
  2. Scroll down to find the map.
  3. Click on three dots and select ‘Edit’.
  4. Select the countries that you want to highlight on the map.
  5. Now click on ‘Update’.

Innovation Showcase:

You will be able to view your digital innovation in the Innovation Showcase once it’s reviewed and approved by the ICTforAg Learning Network team. You will be notified via email once it has been published in the Innovation Showcase.

To view/edit your innovation, follow the steps given below:

  1. From the ICTforAg Learning Network homepage
  2. Click on the ‘My Innovations’ button in the top right corner.
  3. Click on the view/edit option given on the right and view/edit your innovation.

Mentors Connect:

You will receive an email as soon as the mentor confirms the meeting request. You can find the meeting details in the email and join the meeting.

You will be able to view your mentor profile in the Mentors Connect space once it’s reviewed and approved by the ICTforAg Learning Network team. You will be notified via email once it has been published on Mentors Connect.

To connect with a mentee, follow the steps given below:

  1. Click on ‘Link with a mentor’ button in Mentors Connect.
  2. Click on your mentor profile.
  3. On the right you will find a list of mentees who want to connect with you.
  4. Click ‘Accept’ button to accept the request.

Please note: you will receive an email when a mentee reaches out for mentorship. You can accept the meeting request by clicking on ‘Confirm meeting request,’ as well.

There are two ways to manage your calendar – Day wise and Date wise. To set up your calendar while creating/editing your mentor profile by selecting the ‘Day’ type, follow the steps given below.

  1. While creating/editing your mentor profile, in the ‘Manage your calendar’ section, first choose your time zone and then choose the type ‘Day’.
  2. Choose the day and time of your availability on each day.
  3. Click the plus icon located on the right of your time option if you want to add more sessions in the day.
  4. Click ‘Submit’ button.

To manage your calendar while creating/editing your mentor profile by selecting the ‘Date’ type, follow the steps given below:

  1. While creating/editing your mentor profile, in the ‘Manage your calendar’ section, first choose your time zone and then choose the type ‘Date’.
  2. Choose the date and time of your availability.
  3. Enter the session duration in minutes.
  4. Click the plus icon located on the right of your date and time option if you want to add more dates.
  5. Click ‘Submit’ button.

AgroTutor Academy:

As soon as your enrolment request is reviewed and accepted by the course instructor, your course will start on WhatsApp.

Yes, you can add a WhatsApp-based course on the AgroTutor Academy. To add a course, follow the steps given below:

  1. Write to us at about your course.
  2. Once our team reviews your request, you’ll be given access as a course coordinator.
  3. As a course coordinator, you can add courses. Click on ‘Join a Course’ in AgroTutor Academy.
  4. Go to course management and click on ‘New course’ on the right side.
  5. Fill in the necessary details such as course name, keywords, course description, etc
  6. You can add course instructor details for individuals who can later edit the course content
  7. Now click on ‘Submit’.

To add course content, follow the steps given below:

  1. After adding the course, you can view your course on the list.
  2. To add course content, click on the three dots in the action section and select ‘View’.
  3. Select ‘Course contents’ and click on ‘Add chapter’.
  4. Fill in the details and click ‘Submit’
  5. Now you can add quizzes and content by clicking on the options given on the left.

The course coordinator can create a WhatsApp course and add/modify course content. Whereas course instructor can only add/modify content.

Yes, you can add an online course in the AgroTutor Academy. To add an online course, follow the steps given below:

  1. Write to us at about your course.
  2. Once our team reviews your request, you’ll be given access as an admin.
  3. As an admin, you can add online courses. From the ICTforAg Learning Network homepage, click on ‘Join a Course’ in AgroTutor Academy.
  4. Scroll down and go to the online course, click on the login button placed in top right of the webpage and login with your admin credentials.
  5. Turn on the ‘Edit mode’ toggle and click ‘Add new course’ button
  6. Add course details, description, course format, files, etc.
  7. Click ‘Save and display button’.

To add course content, follow the steps given below:

  1. After adding the course, ensure the ‘Edit mode’ toggle is on.
  2. Click ‘Add activity or resource’.
  3. Select the course element that you want to add, for example, SCORM package, quiz, etc.
  4. You will be directed to the webpage where you can easily upload the resource of the course.
  5. Choose the SCROM file of the course content and click on the ‘Upload this file’ button for successful submission.


Digital Innovation Navigation Assistant (DINA) is an experimental Generative AI system leveraging OpenAI's GPT-3.5 API with a meticulously curated evidence database. This unique combination enables DINA to generate responses to queries by drawing upon a vast array of knowledge and information. Moreover, DINA enhances its responses by cross-referencing them with results obtained from Public Chat GPT and Gemini, thereby enriching the quality and relevance of its output.

The graph beside your responses is called a knowledge graph. It’s a digital structure that represents concepts and the links between them, for your answers.

Follow the steps given below to view the references of the generated response:

  1. From the ICTforAg Learning Network homepage, find DINA just below the spaces.
  2. Type your query or simply enter a keyword and click ‘ask DINA’.
  3. You can view your evidence-backed answer and the associated knowledge links.
  4. Scroll down to find the documents that were referred to for your answer.
  5. Click on any document to view the document, authors, year of publishing, abstract, and the organization.
  6. Click on the hyperlink to access the entire document.