ICTforAg Learning Network Promotions


ICTforAg Learning Network Promotions among different stakeholder's

ICTforAg Learning Network Promotion


to create awareness among different stakeholders about ICTforAg Learning Network platforms and different features. also to involve them in this platforms by engaging in collaborations, capturing their ICT based Innovation etc.

Farmers Trend Virtual Agrovet


Farmers Trend's virtual agrovet is an online marketplace in Kenya. It connects farmers with suppliers of farm supplies, seeds, animal feed, and more. Offering convenience and wider selection, it aims to empower farmers and boost agricultural success.

Farm Kiosk


Through our mobile platform, Farm Kiosk facilitates a wide range of agricultural value-added services to farmers, bridging the digital divide gap whilst contributing to building resilient food systems.



AgUnity has developed a user-friendly platform designed specifically for and with smallholder farmers that helps rural communities overcome barriers to technology adoption, EUDR compliance, reduced food waste through improved efficiency in supply-cha



AgUnity has developed a user-friendly platform designed specifically for and with smallholder farmers that helps rural communities overcome barriers to technology adoption, EUDR compliance, reduced food waste through improved efficiency in supply-cha