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Leveraging Digital Solutions in Agricultural Extension in Odisha


This collaboration will serve as an active collaborative space for participants of the Odisha Digital Extension Consultation Workshop. It is designed to facilitate ongoing discussions beyond the event, enabling deeper engagement and knowledge sharing

Pest and Disease Surveillance in Agriculture


A computer vision based early warning and advisory system for farmers and field experts to identify and manage pests and diseases among crops of national interests in a timely manner

News Monitoring in Agriculture


An AI-powered tool to enable agriculture media scanning. It will help the center plan and mitigate the negative impact from agriculture outbreaks like pest attacks, erratic weather, fluctuating market prices etc. across India.



AgroTutor is an AI-driven, open architecture, decision-support solution that enables the demand and scaling partners of agri-food extension services with no or minimal digital infrastructure to effortlessly reach out to smallholder farmers in the Glo



CIMMYT has developed the e-Agrology platform which is an agronomic data collection and monitoring system. This innovative system allows for the capture of detailed agronomic data from farmers’ plots and research trials.