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A packhouse solution that enables farm to fork food traceability and compliances with industry standards of warehousing.

Impact Based Spatial Targeting Index (IBSTI) / Extrapolation Suitability Index (ESI)


Two complementary indices were developed to guide evidence-based spatial targeting of sustainable agricultural intensification technologies during their scaling. The tool also generate a map of the most influential covariate (MIC) that is the environ



AgriFoodTrust is the testing and learning platform for digital trust and transparency technologies.

MWANGA Platform


The use of digital tools has revolutionized agriculture through offering more affordable, efficient and far-reaching coverage with delivery of extension services through the MWANGA platform (an ICT web-based tool for SMS messaging and e-Extension). T

Sauti Market Insights


Our price data includes daily price assessments of the physical forward market, reflecting reliable values for the current and future market ahead. Forecasting for price-based decision-making; up-to-date valuation of inventories; market systems monit

Canopy mapping


Modern GIS for sustainable land protection