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Phase of Innovation: Start-up


The best information, knowledge and agricultural experts in just one click

We leverage digital technologies to assist farmers in making smart decisions and obtaining better outcomes while reducing environmental impact.

At Agroconsultas we use digital technologies to help farmers make better decisions and get better results. We provide them with access to world-class technical support and training so they can be more productive and sustainable. While humanity is demanding more production and sustainability every day, farmers are performing far worse than they could: the gap between achieved and potential is more than 50%. And this is mostly due to sub-optimal agronomic practices. The main way to improve practices has been technical assistance and training for individual farmers. But in its traditional format - analog - it is expensive and inefficient: less than 30% of farmers receive assistance. Digital technologies allow this to be done very efficiently and at a very low cost. Agroconsultas is a platform that connects farmers and technicians with the best experts and information. Any farmer and technician can consult experts, exchange with peers, participate in training and receive timely and quality information. As a result, at Agroconsultas we know better than anyone else the concerns and needs of users. Agroconsultas has a triple value proposition: (1) farmers receive support and make better decisions, (2) experts monetize work they usually do for free, and (3) supplier companies reach customers at decision-making levels. Today we have 300K unique end users/year, more than 200 experts and 23k consultations and 60 customers. Currently, our business model is based on advertising. In LATAM it is a market of USD 800 M, with a lot of potential for intelligent advertising (and we have the data for it). In the future, we are going to a freemium model, with subscriptions for exclusive services (customized and predictive), which will complement the current advertising model. We have two major 2-year objectives: (1) to scale the experience in Argentina and Uruguay to the rest of Latin America, prioritizing Colombia and Mexico, and (2) to proactively reach farmers whom today do not come to our platform, offering assistance and training programs, via mobile phones and subscriptions.