
Farmers can access tailor made information easily such as weather, market data, technical advice through USSD code which creates a wider reach.

Pazuri records


Pazuri Records is an innovative and intelligent platform designed by a poultry farmer for the small and medium poultry farmers. has a robust record keeping system and intelligent algorithms that collect and analyses farm records and then delivers ins



Using Artificial Intelligence to provide warning and advisory services to farmers to help them get ready for their activities. The value chains in considerations are rainfed rice, maize and beans.

Multi-variable experimental data set of agronomic data and gaseous soil emissions from maize, oilseed rape and other energy crops at eight sites in Germany


Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), as well as other gaseous emissions and agronomic variables were continuously measured for three years (2011/2012 – 2014/2015) at eight experimental field sites in Germany. All management activities were consiste

Cotton Response to CO2, Water, Nitrogen and Plant Density - A Repository of FACE, AgIIS and FISE Experiment Data


Several cotton experiments have been conducted at the University of Arizona's Maricopa Agricultural Center from which datasets have been obtained documenting cotton responses to elevated CO2 concentrations, water supply, nitrogen fertilizer, and plan



The collaborative initiative to expand the reach of eAgrology to Global South signifies a purposeful partnership dedicated to transforming the landscape of agronomic data collection. Developed by CIMMYT, this digital tool represents a pioneering solu