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Cotton Response to CO2, Water, Nitrogen and Plant Density - A Repository of FACE, AgIIS and FISE Experiment Data

Several cotton experiments have been conducted at the University of Arizona's Maricopa Agricultural Center from which datasets have been obtained documenting cotton responses to elevated CO2 concentrations, water supply, nitrogen fertilizer, and planting density. In particular, these experiments included FACE (free-air CO2 enrichment; CO2, water; 10 treatment-years), AgIIS (Agricultural Irrigation Imaging System, pronounced Ag Eyes; nitrogen fertilizer, water supply; 4 treatment-years), and FISE (FAO-56 Irrigation Scheduling Experiments; irrigation scheduling method, planting density, nitrogen fertilizer; 24 treatment-years). Besides achieving the experimental objectives of determining cotton's response to the several variables, as well as testing remote sensing techniques, the comprehensive datasets are suitable for validating plant growth models because they include weather, soils, management, growth, yield and other data.

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Researchers Academicians


Peter Waller Paul Pinter John Nagy Jackson Mauney Keith Lewin Steven Leavitt Robert LaMorte Michael Kostrzewski Douglas Hunsaker George Hendrey Julio Haberland Glenn Fitzgerald Paul Colaizzi Thomas Clarke Christopher Choi Edward Barnes Kelly Thorp Bruce A