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Farm Data Relay System is an easy way to communicate with remote IoT devices without relying on WiFi or LoRaWAN infrastructure. It establishes a series of inexpensive, low-power access points and repeaters to provide ESP-NOW and LoRa coverage for remote devices. FDRS can be used to transport sensor readings and control messages in situations where it would be too cumbersome to provide full WiFi/LoRaWAN coverage. While the system was designed with farming in mind, FDRS could also be beneficial in a classroom, home, or research setting. Devices are classified into two types: Gateways and Nodes. Gateways comprise the infrastructure of the network, moving data along pre-directed routes and providing coverage to all devices. Nodes allow the user to exchange data with a gateway. Each gateway is identified with an 8-bit physical hex address (MAC), while nodes use 16-bit integers to identify datapoints as they move through the system.

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Timm Bogner Binder Tronics Jeff Lehman