

JALA provides solutions to help farmers understand the farm condition better in real-time way for a preventive actions towards the risk of farming. With IoT and machine learning technology, JALA help farmers to maximize the farm efficiency.



The AgroSense system is comprised of a wireless network of small meteorological stations and other measuring equipment. It is an easy-to-install, accurate and reliable solution to collect high-resolution data such as soil moisture, leaf wetness, etc.



Acorn is a cutting-edge technology developed by Twisted Fields with the aim of revolutionizing agriculture and promoting sustainability. This solar-powered farming robot system utilizes lightweight materials and electromagnetic fields to reduce soil



Robust and efficient coverage paths for autonomous agricultural vehicles. A modular and extensible Coverage Path Planning library



Farm Data Relay System is an easy way to communicate with remote IoT devices without relying on WiFi or LoRaWAN infrastructure. It establishes a series of inexpensive, low-power access points and repeaters to provide ESP-NOW and LoRa coverage for rem

A high-yielding traits experiment for modeling potential production of wheat: field experiments and AgMIP-Wheat multi-model simulations


Grain production must increase by 60% in the next four decades to keep up with the expected population growth and food demand. A significant part of this increase must come from the improvement of staple crop grain yield potential. Crop growth simula