Land grab/data grab: precision agriculture and its new horizons
Developments in the area of ‘precision agriculture’ are creating new data points (about flows, soils, pests, climate) that agricultural technology providers ‘grab’, aggregate, compute and/or sell. Food producers now churn out food and, increa
Publicising Food: Big Data, Precision Agriculture, and Co-Experimental Techniques of Addition
This article draws upon data taken from the following: 18 interviews of Iowa farmers who utilise big data when making farm management decisions; 14 interviews of those engaged within big data industry, those involved in the sale and promotion of larg
Big Data in Weather forecasting: Applications and Challenges
Increasing evidence of climate change worldwide is becoming the reason to understand a lot more about the weather - everything from what's going to happen tomorrow to what's coming next year. To forecast weather we need to analyze a large set of data
CGIAR Social Economic Ontology
This ontology is the socio-economic ontology developed by CGIAR and partners. Socio-economic ontology team gratefully acknowledges the Platform for big data in agriculture ( and CGIAR Research program on Policies, Instiution
Sauti Trade Insights
Crowdsourced data from Kenyan, Ugandan, Rwandan, and Tanzanian SME traders and farmers to support your research, solutions, and more.
Sauti Market Insights
Our price data includes daily price assessments of the physical forward market, reflecting reliable values for the current and future market ahead. Forecasting for price-based decision-making; up-to-date valuation of inventories; market systems monit