Decision support tool to improve potato late blight management (Potato Mobile APP)
The tool consists of three disks made of plastic-coated cardboard. Each disk has a different background color and represents a host resistance class (red = susceptible, yellow= moderately resistant, green= resistant) based on the 0 to 9 susceptibilit
Cropin Solutions
SmartFarm is a complete farm management solution targeted at farming companies, seed production companies, agri input companies, financial lending institutions, crop insurance providers, and government bodies.
Arya Shakthi
Using Satellita data farms are monitored and information is shared with farmers and FPO's
Senseacre is a visual intelligence company that uses UAV imagery analytics along with machine learning and artificial intelligence to provide a 360-degree solution for crop analysis and symptomatic treatment.
ICT based application where observation of crop pests and noted by field functionary were analysed by scientists at other end and management practices disseminated through advisory msg
TraceNet is an internet based electronic service offered by APEDA to the stakeholders for facilitating process certification for export of organic products from India which comply with the NPOP or NOP standards.