

ICT based application where observation of crop pests and noted by field functionary were analysed by scientists at other end and management practices disseminated through advisory msg

Beyond the Hype: Ten Lessons from Co-Creating and Implementing Digital Innovation in a Rwandan Smallholder Banana Farming System


The article explores how fourth agricultural revolution (Agriculture 4.0) envisions a smarter, more efficient, and socially responsible agricultural sector, enabled by digital tools that make farming more planned, predictive, and productive. However,

Shallow depth of field image dataset for image sharpness and fitting results of BPBD and other algorithms


We provide two folders: (1)The shallow depth of field image data set folder consists of 27 folders from 1 to 27. In folder 1-27, each folder contains two test images and two word files. Img1 is the shallow depth of field image with the best focus



Agroecology and Sustainable Mountain Development

Maize response to free air CO2 enrichment under ample and restricted water supply: field experimental data and output of a process-based hydrological plant growth model


This paper contains data from a two year FACE experiment with maize (Zea mays L., cv. ‘Romario’) investigating the interaction of two CO2 concentrations (378, 550 ppm) and two levels of water supply (sufficient: wet, limited: dry) on c

Experimental field data for modeling the growth response of tef to nitrogen fertilizer and water stressi


Field data from six experiments covering a wide range of growing conditions were organized for tef growth and cropping systems modeling. The data included (i) an irrigation experiment in the Tigray region of Ethiopia, (ii) a cultivar trial at Fallon,