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Sauti East Africa: Market, Trade, and Social Services for Women Small-scale Informal Traders


Sauti is a women-led social enterprise based in Kenya that deploys market and trade information to women cross border traders in “low-technology” environments across East Africa. Sauti's USSD, SMS, and WhatsApp platforms are available in Kenya, U

Canopy mapping


Modern GIS for sustainable land protection



hiveonline's inclusive digital finance platform empowers farmers to grow their livelihoods through linkages with financial services, supply chain and agri inputs.

ICTforAg Learning Network: Innovation Showcase


🌱 Join us at the ICTforAg Innovation Showcase! 🌱 Step into a dynamic virtual realm where we shine a spotlight on revolutionary digital innovations revolutionizing agriculture. As the inaugural event in our Learning Networking series, the ICTf

ICTforAg Learning Network: Innovation Showcase


🌱 Join us at the ICTforAg Innovation Showcase! 🌱 Step into a dynamic virtual realm where we shine a spotlight on revolutionary digital innovations revolutionizing agriculture. As the inaugural event in our Learning Networking series, the ICTf

Humble Bee


Focus on enabling sustainable livelihoods via empowering beekeepers through scientific capacity-building, quality input supplies, and forward linkage under a brand. The phygital model integrates technology with a human touch, emphasizing continuous l