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WeightCapture is a digital solution that uses biometric, bluetooth and cloud technology to deliver full verification in the management and processing of goods;eradicating tampering and corruption, and ensuring total transparency in the supply chain,

FarmGate (Application for Inclusive, Transparent, and Traceable Agriculture Supply Chains)


The FarmGate mobile application is connected to Koltiva integrated agri-tech solutions. Traders, Buying Stations, Collectors, Warehouses and Processing Facilities with user profiles in CocoaTrace, CoffeeTrace, PalmOilTrace, RubberTrace, SeaweedTrace,



AgriFoodTrust is the testing and learning platform for digital trust and transparency technologies.

MWANGA Platform


The use of digital tools has revolutionized agriculture through offering more affordable, efficient and far-reaching coverage with delivery of extension services through the MWANGA platform (an ICT web-based tool for SMS messaging and e-Extension). T

Cropin Solutions


SmartFarm is a complete farm management solution targeted at farming companies, seed production companies, agri input companies, financial lending institutions, crop insurance providers, and government bodies.



Regional network of Central America and the Caribbean that provides technical assistance, training, production, to the microfinance sector in the region made up of seven networks, more than 118 microfinance institutions, and serving more than 1.5 mil