Digital Ecosystems Enabler
Mercy Corps Supports Ag-tech to scale up their digital innovations
Pazuri records
Pazuri Records is an innovative and intelligent platform designed by a poultry farmer for the small and medium poultry farmers. has a robust record keeping system and intelligent algorithms that collect and analyses farm records and then delivers ins
Beyond the Hype: Ten Lessons from Co-Creating and Implementing Digital Innovation in a Rwandan Smallholder Banana Farming System
The article explores how fourth agricultural revolution (Agriculture 4.0) envisions a smarter, more efficient, and socially responsible agricultural sector, enabled by digital tools that make farming more planned, predictive, and productive. However,
FarmSy: Empowering Farmers with Affordable Digital Agriculture Solutions
It combines AI and intelligence hardware and IOT purposely to help farmers to practice precision farming. It collects soil and weather data from the soil sensors and some of the local weather stations that they have deployed which help to give farmer
Using Artificial Intelligence to provide warning and advisory services to farmers to help them get ready for their activities. The value chains in considerations are rainfed rice, maize and beans.
Agroecology and Sustainable Mountain Development