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Conservation agriculture


Besides managing domestic responsibilities, rural women are engaged at all stages of the agricultural value chain, from production and pre-harvest activities to post-harvest processing, packaging, and marketing, all aimed at increasing agricultural p

Humble Bee


Focus on enabling sustainable livelihoods via empowering beekeepers through scientific capacity-building, quality input supplies, and forward linkage under a brand. The phygital model integrates technology with a human touch, emphasizing continuous l

The Yard-based Economy: e-Farmer


Background The Yard-based Economy project, enriched by the inclusion of empowering women from smallholder families and addressing climate change, has a profound historical context in Bangladesh. These foundational elements play a crucial role in

The Yard-based Economy: e-Farmer


Background The Yard-based Economy project, enriched by the inclusion of empowering women from smallholder families and addressing climate change, has a profound historical context in Bangladesh. These foundational elements play a crucial role in



e-Farmer's "Yard-Based Economy" Initiative