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Cropin Solutions


SmartFarm is a complete farm management solution targeted at farming companies, seed production companies, agri input companies, financial lending institutions, crop insurance providers, and government bodies.

Digital Ecosystems Enabler


Mercy Corps Supports Ag-tech to scale up their digital innovations



Using Artificial Intelligence to provide warning and advisory services to farmers to help them get ready for their activities. The value chains in considerations are rainfed rice, maize and beans.

IoT based Smart Soil Monitoring System for Agricultural Production


Agriculture plays the major role in economics and survival of people in India. The purpose of this project is to provide embedded based system for soil monitoring and irrigation to reduce the manual monitoring of the field and get the information via

Analysis of research trend and core technologies based on ICT to materialise smart farm


Korean government has planned to increase the productivity of horticultural crops and to expand supply smart greenhouse for energy saving by modernization of horticultural facilities based on ICT in policy. However, the diversity and linkages of moni

Canopy mapping


Modern GIS for sustainable land protection