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Remote Sensing-CIMMYT


Scripts used by Remote Sensing Team from Physiology Group at International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT).



The IFPRI crop monitor R package calculates greenness indices (Gcc and GRVI) for cellphone based data acquisitions within the context of cellphone based index-based micro-insurance.The tool allows for the visualization of the database, but requires a

Farmonaut AgriTech Connect


The purpose of collaboration within the context of Farmonaut’s involvement in the ICTforAg platform is multi-faceted, aiming to drive innovation, efficiency, and growth in the agricultural sector. Here are the key objectives: 1. Enhancing Techno

Shambah Assistance


Ycenter Shambah Solutions innovates climate-smart agronomy for small and medium-scale farmers, leveraging IoT soil devices and AI-driven advisory recommendations. Farmers access rapid soil testing and tailored advice within 15 minutes through local a

Sauti Market Insights


Our price data includes daily price assessments of the physical forward market, reflecting reliable values for the current and future market ahead. Forecasting for price-based decision-making; up-to-date valuation of inventories; market systems monit

Canopy mapping


Modern GIS for sustainable land protection