Patented, IoT Enabled, Farmer Obedient, Next Generation Pump Controller
LAst Mile Delivery of Irrigation Schedule through IoT
http://www.intechharness.comPump Controller with an ability to cover up the lost time due to temporary non availability / disruptions of resources like power and water
We have developed a Patented, IoT Enabled Farmer Obedient Pump Controller for farmers facing erratic power and water conditions, it is a controller that automates farm irrigation with an ability to respond to power and water disruptions without human intervention, unlike GSM-based controllers. Its precise operation brings relief to the farmer from the rigorous, intense, and daily activity of pump operation, increases the crop yield, reduces water and carbon footprint, and conserves soil. It is a single technology solution that addresses the current challenges in farm irrigation and also handholds the farmer into the future through the modular offering of Data Driven Irrigation through our IoT platform.