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Cropin Solutions


SmartFarm is a complete farm management solution targeted at farming companies, seed production companies, agri input companies, financial lending institutions, crop insurance providers, and government bodies.

Farmonaut AgriTech Connect


The purpose of collaboration within the context of Farmonaut’s involvement in the ICTforAg platform is multi-faceted, aiming to drive innovation, efficiency, and growth in the agricultural sector. Here are the key objectives: 1. Enhancing Techno

Sauti Market Insights


Our price data includes daily price assessments of the physical forward market, reflecting reliable values for the current and future market ahead. Forecasting for price-based decision-making; up-to-date valuation of inventories; market systems monit

Sonam Wangchuk Conducts


Sonam Wangchuk, an activist from India, held a 21-day 'climate fast' in his home region of Ladakh in the Himalayas to draw attention to the fast melting of the Earth's 'third pole' and put pressure on India's government to give Ladakhis the legal pow

Soil Health Mapping


The collaboration aims to map soil health into a single cluster.

The Yard-based Economy: e-Farmer


Background The Yard-based Economy project, enriched by the inclusion of empowering women from smallholder families and addressing climate change, has a profound historical context in Bangladesh. These foundational elements play a crucial role in