SMART Collaboration
We can harness the potential of digitizing Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) and partnering with startups to drive agricultural transformation. With the power of digital technology and innovative startup collaborations, we can streamline FPO opera
Digital Ecosystems Enabler
Mercy Corps Supports Ag-tech to scale up their digital innovations
Beyond the Hype: Ten Lessons from Co-Creating and Implementing Digital Innovation in a Rwandan Smallholder Banana Farming System
The article explores how fourth agricultural revolution (Agriculture 4.0) envisions a smarter, more efficient, and socially responsible agricultural sector, enabled by digital tools that make farming more planned, predictive, and productive. However,
The main goal of ICTforAg is to foster communities, stimulate meaningful conversations, insights, and collaborations, and increase the participation of collaborators from the developing world. Our aim is to facilitate knowledge exchange, enhance lear
Inspire Challenge: Sprout Coffee Alerts
Identify the most effective digital channels and strategies to deliver climate-related advice to smallholder female farmers
Inspire Challenge: Sprout Coffee Alerts
Identify the most effective digital channels and strategies to deliver climate-related advice to smallholder female farmers