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Inspire Challenge: Wombees

Increase price and diversity of outputs produced from beekeeping

Measure the effect of a smartphone app with women-focused content to improve beekeeping practices

Expectations from the collaborators: Track progress of Inspire Challenge Pilot, provide input, share knowledge

Incentives: Increase reach of the innovation to women to increase their income from farming products


Roberto Christen
Rowena Andrea Santos

Collaboration Members (2)




Varun Kashyap

May 9, 2024

WomBees - Monthly Update April

WomBees - April Report

Objectives for the period of April - September 2024

● Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tumkur district, Govt of Karnataka - To train 100 farmers as


● Karnataka State Forest Department

Already trained 60+ bee-keepers in the first phase

Scheduled to train another 100 bee-keepers in the second phase by the end of May.

● NRLM, Varanasi District, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh and National Skill Development

Corporation - Target to train 200 people (already trained 60)

By June, plan to train all 200 bee-keepers. Connecting most of them with government

subsidies for procuring bee hives.

● CSR Project, Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh - 100 bee-keepers to be trained

Project with WWF - Trained 25 bee-keepers (+10 local officials) in Valmiki Tiger

Reserve, Bettiah, Bihar

SOS Call, bees were swarming - Invited to do a training program to save hives (success)

Received an order to supply 100 bee hives and colonies (precision engineered BIS


Potentially will sign an agreement for subsequent training programs in the region.

● Aga Khan Foundation—Enable 200 beekeepers in Uttar Pradesh (Varanasi) with

wooden hives (100) and Karnataka (Kali Tiger Reserve) with mud hives (100)

● Project with UNICEF - 500 youth (proof of concept) bee-keepers in Jharkhand and


● Others are in the pipeline - NABARD, JSLPS (Jharkhand Govt.), Odisha Government

Expected Outcomes (Challenge Goal)

● Replicable Model: Demonstrate scalable and replicable model for sustainable

income generation through scientific beekeeping, in alignment with the National

Beekeeping and Honey Mission, keeping youth at the center of the movement

● Women Empowerment: At least 35% of trained and empowered beekeepers are


● Hive Productivity: Improved hive productivity through scientific practices.

● Bee-Kind app and Livelihood Impact: Beekeeper advisory through the BeeKind app

for an additional 500 beekeepers over the 6-month Inspire Challenge through the


● Biodiversity and Climate Positive Impact: Improved bee population and enhanced

biodiversity through increased pollination services and climate-positive intervention.

● Stretch goal: 1000 beekeepers trained and onboarded on the app, with 50% women


● Additional Goal - Number of projects/partners onboarded during the Inspire Challenge.

Contact Person: Varun Kashyap

Contact Email:


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