Revolutionizing agronomic data collection
The collaborative initiative to expand the reach of eAgrology to Global South signifies a purposeful partnership dedicated to transforming the landscape of agronomic data collection. Developed by CIMMYT, this digital tool represents a pioneering solution designed to empower farmers with the ability to efficiently record and manage essential agronomic data. The significance of this collaboration lies in its strategic intent to introduce a user-friendly platform to Indian farmers, equipping them with advanced capabilities to make informed decisions about their agricultural practices. The shared goal is not only to enhance the efficiency of agronomic data collection but also to catalyze positive change in the way farmers plan and execute crucial aspects of their farming activities, ultimately contributing to the sustainable advancement across Global South's Agriculture.
Expectations from the collaborators: Collaborators are expected to actively engage, communicate effectively, and support the deployment of eAgrology in India. Their role includes user training, iterative feedback for tool improvement, and prioritizing data security and privacy. Sustainable practices promotion, community engagement, and contributions to research further enhance the successful implementation of eAgrology.
Incentives: The incentives for stakeholders in agronomic data collection through eAgrology revolve around gaining meaningful insights, optimizing data collection efficiency, and contributing to agricultural innovation and research. This, in turn, paves the way for more informed and sustainable decision-making in the realm of crop management and agriculture.

Satish Nagaraji

Sherin Maria

Pratibha Kiragi

Chandra Sekhara K
Collaboration Members (28)

Collaboration for